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  5. Sunisa water beauty and air cc cream Foundation Makeup Cream
Sunisa water beauty and air cc cream Foundation Makeup Cream
599.00 60% off

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#PRODUCT EFFECT: Instantly conceals imperfections, dark spots and redness, and smoothens uneven skin-tone for a beautiful, natural and glowing appearance. The nature moisture based provide excellent spread ability with no irritation. The new formula moisturizing properties keep the skin refreshed and comfortable throughout the day.

  • ELASTIC SPONGE HEAD: The makeup is as soft as the skin, sponge head becomes bigger and softer when it meets water (small mushroom needs to be cleaned before use: as a skin care product, for your skin safety, it is recommended to wash it once or twice before use. Make-up will be more skin-friendly and fit oh).
  • BOTANICAL SKINCARE INGREDIENTS: Tremella Extract, Centella Extract, Vitamin E. Product comparison: traditional puff makeup (rough details, nose, etc., card, floating powder, etc.), small mushroom makeup (such as nose, invisible pores, overall fit skin).
  • HOW TO USE: Turn the lid clockwise to open the protective film, wet the mushroom head with pure water, then use the cleaned small mushroom puff to take a proper amount of foundation, a small number of evenly pressed makeup.(Tips: When using, if you can't get the BB cream, do not press the filter forcefully, instead of put the bottle upside down and tap the bottom gentlely, so that let the BB cream flow to the filter, and then stand the bottle upright and you can get the BB cream by the sponge.)
  • No Returns Applicable.

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